“Fix bayonets”
solitary command changed the outcome of the battle of Gettysburg and eventually
the Civil War. It altered the course of history and brought freedom to a race
of people.
far too long, we Christians have hid sniveling in the corner singing “Hold the
fort.” It’s time to leave the foxhole,
do as Christ commanded and charge the very gates of hell. The time has come for
us to stand for what we believe. No longer will we hide from the conflict; no
longer will we lie on the ground bemoaning our condition. We are in a war. The
very souls of those around me depend on our courage. I will stand, realizing
the one who stands for righteousness will be shot at by Christians as well as
the world. Satan is my enemy, not God.
Christ is the one who gave His life for me. He is my captain. I will follow His
command. The love of God compels me to love my fellow man and battle Satan even
for those who would take my life. Though the forces of hell assail me, I will
stand for the Lord.
From the book Live Life to the Fullest