I quit
I quit
How many times as an author, have
you quit? In the beginning, you
struggled over your manuscript writing and rewriting. You just could not find the right tempo. Then one glorious day it all came together. Your idea became a story. You breathed life
into your characters. You continued to
write adding new features. Soon they
became real, as real to you as your next-door neighbor. You met with them daily you shared their joys
their sorrows. You came to love your
heroes and to hate the villain. Page
after page you wrote and rewrote. Late
at night, you labored as the rest of the family slept or in the wee hours of
the morning. You laughed you cried
wiping away tears you wrote. Summer
became winter winter passed into spring then summer came again still you plugged
Finally, you wrote the last
sentence. Relief settled over you. It
was done. Your novel your masterpiece
completed. You celebrated. The book,
which changed your life, would now change others.
You searched for just the right agent
or publisher. You lovingly bundled your
book like a baby. With trepidation, you
handled you dreams to the postal clerk. You
felt as if you were sending your first child to war. You visited bookstores dreaming of seeing
your novel on their shelves. You watched
other authors interviewed on TV thinking of what you would say about your
wonderful novel. Perhaps you would
purchase a new car.
After all as a successful author,
you could not drive the old one to all the book signings.
Therefore, you waited and dreamed. You bragged to family and friends. Soon you be wealthy. Days became weeks and turned into months. Surely, your book was lost in the vast U S
Postal system. Then one day when you had
given up hope your manuscript came limping home. The rejection letter tore your heart out. Embarrassed you went to that dark corner
alone and wept. You moaned, you
screamed, you cried. You put away your
writing materials. You thought of
burning the manuscript and all the copies.
Then the worst thing in the world happened you quit. You swore you would never write another ting other
than email or a grocery list.
How selfish of you. If you stop now we will never read your novel. If Hemmingway quit the world would be
deprived of The Sun also Rises. If John Steinbeck stopped writing, we not have The Grapes
of Wrath. What of William Faulkner, of
Thomas Wolfe and others what if they quit before they were published. No, you cannot
quit! Not now, or a year from now when
you have received 10, 20 or a hundred rejections. Keep going we want to read your book.